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  • Desperate for Clients: What to Look Out for When Dealing with RON Platforms

    The increasing demand for remote online notary services has given rise to various RON software platforms. These platforms provide a convenient way for people to get their documents notarized without having to be physically present before a notary public. While this development is certainly a welcome one, it also raises some concerns about the availability of RON notaries. With the influx of new RON software platforms, it makes one wonder if we are entering an age where there simply aren't enough RON notaries to go around. There could be two reasons for the potential shortage of RON notaries. Firstly, the demand for their services may be outpacing the number of notaries who are trained to offer them. Not every notary public is authorized to provide remote online notary services, as additional training and certification may be required. Secondly, some notaries may be hesitant to transition into the digital realm of notarization, which could contribute to the shortage of RON notaries. As a result, there may be a limited number of notaries who are qualified to provide RON services, which can create a bottleneck in the notarization process. Another factor that could contribute to a shortage of RON notaries is the competition among RON software platforms. As more and more companies enter the market, they will need to attract notaries to their platform in order to provide notary services to their customers. If the number of notaries remains fixed while the number of companies vying for their services increases, this could lead to a situation where there aren't enough notaries to meet the demand. Underhanded marketing tactics are starting to rise in the competition among remote online notary (RON) software platforms. Such tactics may include poaching notaries from competitors through cold-calling or spreading false claims about the competition in fictitious blog posts. This type of marketing approach can lead to an unprofessional work environment where notaries are frequently subjected to unsolicited solicitations from multiple companies. Moreover, it can result in notaries signing up for platforms based on inaccurate information provided by these marketing campaigns, which can cause them to misunderstand the features and requirements of the platform. Notary Stars has added to this article with a warning for all Notaries interested in RON by stating they feel it is very important at this time to make sure you are choosing a RON Platform that is owned and operated by a US company and not from an overseas vendor. Underhanded tactics not only create a negative image of the RON industry but also raise concerns about the ethics of the companies involved. Notaries who are caught in the middle of this tug-of-war between RON platforms may find it difficult to navigate this competitive landscape, which could ultimately lead to a shortage of notaries. As more companies enter the market, it is essential that they maintain ethical marketing practices and avoid using tactics that are misleading or dishonest. This will ensure that notaries are not swayed by false claims and that they are able to provide the best service to their clients. As a RON notary, it is important to be cautious of platforms that use underhanded sales tactics to gain your subscription. Not only do these tactics create an unprofessional environment, but they can also be a red flag indicating that the platform may be struggling financially. If a company is resorting to unethical marketing practices to attract notaries, it may be a sign that they are not doing well and are looking for any way to generate revenue. Finally, if a platform is using underhanded sales tactics, it may be a sign that they do not value their notaries as they should. A company that values its notaries will focus on providing a high-quality platform and will be transparent about its marketing efforts. By contrast, a company that uses unethical marketing practices may view notaries as little more than a commodity to be exploited for their own benefit. This can lead to a toxic work environment and a lack of trust between the notary and the platform, and the customers you serve. Ultimately, RON notaries should be cautious of platforms that use underhanded sales tactics and focus on working with companies that value their expertise and treat them fairly.

  • Bad Signing Agencies | Unpaid Signings | Tax Tips

    This month's General Mentorship that talked about Slow to Pay and Non-Paying Signing Agencies which sparked a great question- are Notaries allowed to write-off bad debts like we hear about at other companies? We are not Tax professionals here at Notary Stars so we reached out to our good friends at Notary Assist and to Glen Hill, The Tax Lady to get an answer and here is what we found out: Notaries cannot write off bad debt because they don't actually have a loss (although you may beg to differ) because our businesses are on a cash basis and not an accrual basis. Cash basis lets businesses record income and expenses only when cash is actually received or paid. Accrual accounting involves tracking income and expenses as they are incurred (when an invoice is sent, or a bill received) instead of when money actually changes hands. An unpaid invoice on a cash-based method of accounting cannot be written off as a bad debt. Essentially, the notary cannot include it as income since they were never paid, and therefore did not pay taxes on that income either . Most (if not all) accounting software allows us to identify it as an uncollectable invoice. Now, the good news is we can still write off the cost for mileage, supplies, and applicable expenses . In other words, we cannot write it off as bad debt BUT & AND we get to write off expenses associated with it even if we never received payment. It some cases, this is a better write off than the bad debt process, including proving to the IRS our documented collection efforts. Some notaries may think we can write if off because some small businesses get to write off returns. However, we do not provide merchandise or products that can be returned. We provide a service to the public and having unpaid invoices does come with the industry. This is even more of a reason to be diligent in our record-keeping for all of our expenses as business owners. READ ALL OF THIS YEAR'S TAX TIPS BY CLICKING HERE:

  • Setting Up Your Yelp Business Listing with Important Discussion To Follow is one massive business directory! You almost have to be on it to maximize your Internet presence. And for some it is very scary to think about listing with YELP because of the horror stories they hear. In 2019, the film BILLION DOLLAR BULLY , available on Amazon, addresses a lot of these fears, but we are really here to address fearlessly listing with YELP and how you can bite back at bigger Internet Giants like YELP by harnessing their Internet presence and not paying a dime. First of all, let us explain something. Currently, in 2023 Yelp is valued at 2.10 billion dollars and it gets 90% of its revenue from advertisers who don't understand they can easily do what it does with a website made on . Their power, and appeal, isn't in their revenue though (as impressive as it is). Yelps power resides in its Search Engine Optimization (SEO). We double dog dare you to Google just about any business type with the words near me in it and you'll most likely see the first three Google Business Listings from Google My Business, a sponsored ad or two, and then Yelps directory. Yelp doesn't really make its money from advertising if you ask us, Yelp makes its revenue from those who think that building a website is difficult and that you have to be some sort of tech genius to understand SEO. Ronnie Mickle, owner of Unlimited Ink Notary and (a niche directory for Notary Loan Signing Agents) has built many websites smaller than Yelp that can outrank the Internet giant and he teaches Notaries weekly within his niche just how to do that- and for much less cost than paying for costly Yelp ads! Still there is an old saying, "if you can't beat them, join them," and even though you can out rank Yelp yourself without paying any money you still can, and should, utilize their directory for two very important reasons. First, because they provide a healthy backlink to your website pulling you up in search rankings almost immediately. And second, because while your website is gaining SEO their marketing team will be working around the clock to bring you in customers. Here's a free video on how to set up and maximize your Yelp Business Listing but don't forget to continue reading the article on why after you set up your listing you shouldn't pay YELP a dime (at least for now). Within hours or days after you sign up for YELP you are going to get a call from one of their highly trained market managers. Or that is at least how they'll refer to themselves. They are going to tell you they have statistics for businesses just like yours, but the question is, do they really have those statistics? We've never seen any real ones when we inquire about them after setting up listings. We just get the "we'll get back to you." speech and they never do. They are going to be asking you to run Ads on Yelp or purchase things to "make you stand out," like a company logo. You don't need any of their ad ons for your listing to function properly at this time and here's why you should definitely not purchase Yelp Ads and only use their free listings for whatever traffic you can get. #1) Yelp Ads seems to run 24/7 currently as opposed to Google Ads where you can schedule what time they run. There is no point running an ad at 2 am for a client you can't pick up the phone for or answer an email for most small businesses. Especially if you work in services that are generally needed yesterday, so to speak. This means you are paying for clicks while you are sleeping and not while you are working and wasting your marketing budget . This is one of the hard stops, but there's more! #2) Yelp Ads seem to group small businesses at the Top-level categories of the site. So let's say Notaries are often grouped into advertisements with Attorneys (which are two different things). That's because of where the top level resides. Why would you pay for invalid clicks in a directory? #3) Yelp uses questionable ethical SEO Practices to drive members into their site. Google loves lists and ratings. So the first way they draw members in is with Meta Tags and Meta descriptions like "The Top 10 _________ Near Your City." When you click to enter Yelp as a consumer you only get a list sorted by distance, not the actual Top 10. So, working hard for those reviews and paying YELP to advertise you first isn't working there. And, if someone has less, or not as good, reviews as you, they can still show before you as long as they pay money. Yelp also has a metatag they use often that says "THE TOP FREE _______ NEAR YOUR CITY." Now there may be some not for profits out there so we aren't saying never but if you are reading this you are most likely not operating your business for free. Which means they are bringing in users through organic search who might be looking for free or reduced cost services but then charging you top dollar for their clicks on your ads when those users won't hire you because you are charging them. THIS IS QUESTIONABLY ETHICAL BECAUSE THEY ARE MISLEADING THE ORGANIC USER BY ABUSING GOOGLE'S ALGORITHM BUT THEN CHARGING YOU TOP DOLLAR FOR A CLICK (ALL WHILST DOING ITEMS 1 AND 2 A THE SAME TIME). Here is proof they are doing this. This screenshot was taking on 3-23-22. If they are doing it to Notaries, they are doing it to all businesses out there. Our site works no differently than Yelp and their Meta Tags are dynamic. The best way to list on Yelp until they change their practices is to only go for their free listing, let the rep call you once, politely decline any offers, don't take any of their "free" offerings, obtain the healthy backlink form them, get that free Internet traffic and joining a course like Notary Stars + Marketing to learn how to out rank them. And then ditch them! Sources: Google Finance - Stock Market Prices, Real-time Quotes & Business News Yelp Inc. (YELP) Market Cap & Net Worth - Stock Analysis Yelp Business Model - How Does Yelp Make Money? ( Disclaimer: This page contains affiliate links, specifically for Amazon, which links to Billion Dollar Bully. We use affiliate links wisely here at as they help us keep free content like this coming to you!

  • 10 Marketing Tips Every Notary Business Owner Needs

    I sometimes chuckle at the things I see when it comes to marketing a Notary Business. I mean, the past two years I've seen so many people charging $75 to $150 to help Notaries master Google My Business. One person out there claims they are a so good at Google My Business that they can retail their Google My Business course for $800 in value. Of course, that's why they had to make it 92% off on a Black Friday sale to sell it because even they know that it was total BS . I mean, come on, for $800 you could run an entire year of effective Google Ads that would pay for themselves. Anyway, I'm writing this article because I want to help you with ten tips that every Notary Business owner should consider implementing. Rome wasn't built in a day, and you won't be able to complete these in a day. But bookmark the page, print it out, and make your own checklist to complete them. #1) Make Sure You Are Listed Where You Could Actually Get Hired There are five types of listing out there that you need to be aware of: Notary Management Databases like- , , Notary Directories like - , , , Hybrid Directories and Scheduling Platforms like- Free Business Listings like- Google My Business, Yelp, and Next Door Social Media Listings like- Instagram, Twitter, Facebook Pages, and TikTok This alone is a lot of ground and you can't be afraid of what you don't know. You just need to make sure you are listed in these places and your profiles are written out well! I actually meet Notaries daily who still haven't completed 1/4th of this entire list alone. #2) Showcase what makes your Notary Business different whether you are a in a saturated market or not on your resumes, business cards, websites, and profiles. Make sure you are listing your training from Notary Stars, Notary2Pro, Laura Biewer, Judi Lawrence, Bill Soroka, Signing Agent Basics. And showcase what you learned in each course! But don't forget to also showcase your equipment such as mobile printers, mobile scanners, etc. These are important items for onlookers. Credentials are really everything in a highly competitive market and you want to flex your competitive muscles. If you still don't understand how having a mobile printer and scanner affects how many orders you may get from Signing Agencies you should take a look under the hood of and because both of them have filters to not even show orders to those who don't have mobile printing and mobile scanning capabilities. It's something that is kind of hard to fake as well because if you mark yourself having these and then aren't able to produce like you do- you'll wind up on a Notary Blacklist for sure. Check out Are You Really A Mobile Notary & if not, visit our Notary Resource Center for suggestions on equipment #3) Make sure you have a website that is actually working for you, and you understand Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Having a Website to expand your Notary Loan Signing Agent business is essential these days. Google My Business and Yelp don't get all of the traffic. Consider the Internet like a new age rolodex. Google usually shows the first three businesses nearest the consumer, then a yelp page (which many avoid) and you have the chance to knock off Yelp and all others with a great website. You can also control your pages to come up for particular search. For instance, I personally have the first page that comes up most of the time when you Google Jail Notary Phoenix and land on the first page for Hospital Notary Phoenix. Google Pages provided in Google My Business won't gain you great optimization, if any at all. They are meant to be a part of that function of Google My Business. The only people who will ever see it are the people you send there. If you already own a website but don't understand Search Engine Optimization, I highly recommend taking my A La Cart Marketing Course: THE ONLY NOTARY SEO COURSE YOU'LL EVER NEED #4) Do not limit yourself to only Loan Signing Agent work. Abraham Zamora and I, have done a great deal of Podcast about expanding your Notary work to more than just Loan Signings. If you are looking for some inspiration, please consider listening to the Podcast: THE BEAUTY OF OWNING A NOTARY BUSINESS. #5) Do not wait for business to come to you, call, email, and walk-in. When working with Signing Agencies, I give this tip often. Keep track of who is sending you the most business in your area and then go after those companies first. However, you are never going to be paid what you want if you don't walk into Title Companies and let them know you exist. I did an entire 3-part series called Direct Business which you can purchase at: THE WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, AND WHY OF DIRECT MARKETING Lots of Escrow Officers love to make personal relationships with Notaries locally and then use Signing Agencies for their Nationwide business. There's a client waiting for you today! #6) Attend the right kind of conferences that will actually get you business! One reason that I don't have a Notary Stars Conference is because you would be spending a lot of money to travel to it and money while you are there. We already charge a monthly fee and although I'm asked to have anyone anyway- they are expensive and I don't want to go through hiring vendors just to sell you things that you might not need. That's what conferences are designed for. Now I can understand a first year Notary Loan Signing Agent, or even second year, attending the National Notary Assocation Conference. However, I encourage all Notaries to spend their travel dollars for conferences on their local Escrow Assocation Conferences which are generally cheaper, closer, and can get you in touch with real Escrow Officers in your area! You can meet, shake hands, pass out swag, and business cards. And if you live in an area where it's costly (like California) see item 10! #7) Collect Reviews Like a 5th Grader Collects Pokémon Cards! You should be collecting reviews on Google, Notary Stars, Yelp, and Next Door every chance you get! We put out a great Commuitip this year on how you can turn a simple lanyard into a review magnet. We recently did a test on Google with a Notary who was getting no business. So we got her some reviews and then the phone started ringing. Oh, and haven't you ever seen the button on Google Business or Yelp that says, "sort by reviews." It's there for a reason! Checkout Notary Public ID Lanyards with a Twist #8) Learn how to properly run ads online such as Google Ads, Instagram Ads, and even TikTok. Google offers extensive training for new ads accounts. Don't get me wrong- you need to know what you are doing, or you can run up a bill. But with a little time and effort you can make a good profit off of a little investment. I also go over this in my marketing course at Notary Stars. Instagram and TikTok make it even easier. And, they are super affordable! #9) Ask your friends and family effectively to support you and do one action item for you. They say it's much easier to turn a client into a friend than a friend into a client- which is so true! That's why I started writing what I need my friends and family to post on social media for them and supplying the images. You can do this too! I also often send pages of my website to friends to ask them to review the content for spelling errors but secretly I am just having them click on the pages to get better rankings. And don't be afraid to tell them exactly who you need to connect with. For instance, there's not a person that knows me that doesn't know I'm a headhunter for Realtors, Title/Escrow Officers, Loan Officers, and certain types of Attorneys. I shamelessly make it a part of my conversations! #10) Formulate or Join a Reliable Notary Networking Group Formulating a Notary Group is so important on so many levels. For instance, you can divide up cost on important events like a conference. You can go in and share your group at a conference and split supplies or swag cost. We did a whole session on the importance of a Notary Networking Group. If you missed it, check it out here: Increase Your Notary Business by Creating Notary Teams

  • Are They Slow to Pay or Do They Not Pay? Here's What You Need To Know!

    It can be terribly frustrating for Notary Signing Agents (NSA), especially newer NSA's, when it comes to slower paying and non-paying Signing Agencies. One of the things Notary Stars does to help this is offering two really nice features like our Signing Agency Blacklist and our Signing Agency Reviews for our members. The best defense for all of us is to try to avoid bad Signing Agencies. However, there is still work that needs to be done on the Notary Signing Agent's side to know a few things like: When To Complain No matter what you think or feel you can only begin a complaint with a Signing Agency when the payment terms you've agreed to are passed. Until that day there is absolutely no argument that you can make that will make that Signing Agency or Title Company look bad to any of their clients as it's easily provable that you are just disgruntled and out of line. So, you truly need to make sure you are outside of your payment terms. If your complaint is that a company is slow to pay but they do pay within their payment terms, there is no valid complaint to be made and only a personal opinion. If you do not wish to accept a company's payment terms you can simply choose not to work with them or only work with them when you feel that it's a good fit (like filling in your calendar gaps). Try not to burn bridges with slow paying companies because you'll need them if you wind up in "Amrock Jail," or during a downturned market. We suggest as soon as you create a client in your accounting software that you set their payment terms up, so you know when their invoices are due by their promise to pay by dates. And, of course, you always need to keep that W9 you have updated! How To Complain Per the Signing Agent Code of Conduct we all agree to when we become a Certified Signing Agent through the National Notary Assocation- we are not allowed to complain, or seek payment, from any party except the assigning party . Title and Escrow companies are not going to write a second check and will always insist you contact the Signing Agency they contracted. This is because the funds are generally pulled from the transaction at the time of closing and they can't charge that client again. You can, however, make an inquiry of the party that contracted the assigning party to see if the payment for your order has been made. Unfortunately, this is all you can ask or confirm , and we suggest you do no more than that! But that gives you enough information to know if the company you need payment from should have the funds they owe you. Please do not take it any further than just asking for confirmation if payment has been issued... that could be considered harassment. If your payment has been issued, and only if you are outside of the agreed payment terms, then you can send a demand letter. We do suggest your letter to be polite and understanding. Example: Dear Assigning Party, I have realized we are now outside of the payment terms we agreed to for payment and I am requesting either payment be rendered, or a response letting me know why my payment is late, or when it will be sent. I am willing to work with you on payment if needed, however, I would appreciate one of these three types of responses within 7 business days. Who To Complain To Every single State has individual laws on how to follow up on bad debt and you absolutely must follow these laws or else you could wind up in big trouble. This is something you should research on your own, but these little simple rules should help you. You should only call or email inside their posted business hours and if they aren't posted then use 9 am to 5 pm to ensure that you are inside of the law. You should also only make calls or emails on business days, never on weekends! Always be polite. Do not be excessive or make threats. Keep a log or proof of your attempts of calls by screenshotting your attempts or use your phone records when the time comes to show you've made a healthy positive effort to collect. Do not practice legal jargon if you are not an attorney! Even if you know a law you should not quote the law or try to use it. Only an Attorney working for you should do that. If you ever did go to court with the entity this could have your case dismissed. Only follow up after the payment terms are broken, then give a time to respond, and only send three payment demands maximum 30 days apart. If you State, you will take action such as reporting to the credit agencies or attorney generals' offices you must follow through with it. Making empty threats can also have cases dismissed or get you into trouble for making threats. BELIEVE US, WE LOOKED INTO THIS CLOSELY! Where To Complain You start first with the assigning party. You can also use services like Legal Shield, but we haven't seen much luck from it actually working here at Notary Stars (and yes, we tested how it works). Leaving Google and Yelp Reviews won't actually help you because all of these reviews will be removed if the party you leave the review about reports you as an employee or contractor which is outside the terms of those review sites that you also agree to when posting reviews (it's all in the fine print). Leaving post in Notary Cafe, Notary Rotary, and Notary Forums may alert other Notaries but it won't help you get payment either. To be honest, the clients that hire Signing Agencies won't see these post. The biggest message you can send after three polite attempts is to contact the Attorney General's Office to inform them about the company in the State where the company resides or is registered. This can prevent companies from continuing to operate if they are hurting others or prevent them from starting a new business with a new name in the future. Each State has an Attorney General's office that will hear you complaints and will investigate companies that don't pay their contractors. You can encourage other Notaries with the same problem to do the same. If you are interested in watching the mentoring session where we went over this LIVE you can watch the replay at: Checkout the following resources that go with this article: Read the Blog: Blacklist of Bad Signing Agencies (Members Only): Signing Agency Reviews (Members Only): Topics from this video: Collecting on unpaid invoices Notarize 24/7 - California has stopped paying Cali Attorney General contact info Insurance for Bad debt? Write-off Bad Debt Illegal requests from Signing Service Hybrid Certificates

  • Knowledge-Based Authentication: What It Is & Why It Matters

    Knowledge-based authentication (KBA) is a security process that verifies a user's identity by asking them to answer specific questions that only they should know the answer to. This process is often used in situations where a user needs to verify their identity before accessing sensitive information, such as when logging into a bank account, accessing medical records, or performing a remote online notarization. The goal of KBA is to prevent unauthorized access to sensitive information by verifying that the user is who they claim to be. The process works by asking the user a series of questions that only they should know the answer to, such as their mother's maiden name or the name of their first pet. The answers to these questions are often used to verify the user's identity and grant them access to the requested information. While KBA can be effective in verifying a user's identity, it is not without its limitations. One of the biggest challenges with KBA is that the answers to the questions can sometimes be guessed or obtained through social engineering tactics. For example, an attacker might be able to obtain the answers to KBA questions by researching the user's social media profiles or contacting them directly and pretending to be a legitimate source. KBA has a drawback where the questions asked may be too intricate or hard to answer, causing inconvenience for users who may forget the answer. This can lead to frustration and prevent users from accessing the information they require. However, despite these limitations, KBA continues to be an essential security measure for safeguarding sensitive information. In real estate transactions, KBA is still the most accepted form of ID proofing (adding to the ID Credential Analysis), even though some notaries have other legally available methods at their disposal. During remote online notarization, the signer is required to answer a 5-question quiz with a passing score of 80% within a two-minute window. The standard protocol in most states is that signers are permitted to attempt the KBA quiz twice within a 24-hour period. If the client fails both attempts, the notary is required to wait 24 hours before attempting to verify the signer again. In case the signer is unable to wait for the mandated 24-hour period, they can opt for a different notary. Alternatively, if the current notary is legally permitted to do so, they can use the oath of credible witness. It is illegal for the current notary to switch to a different platform and have the signer redo the KBA quiz before the mandated 24-hour period is over. In addition, it is important for notaries to be aware that certain RON platforms may require signers to provide their social security number to access KBA questions, even though KBA can be generated from sources other than credit history. Keeping this in mind is essential for ensuring a smooth transaction for the notary's potential client base. In conclusion, knowledge-based authentication is an important security measure for protecting sensitive information. While it is not perfect, it can be effective in verifying a user's identity and preventing unauthorized access. Apart from KBA, the client is also required to undergo ID credential analysis (further details on this will follow). If you enjoyed this newsletter and are interested in learning more about KBA, be sure to check out my Virtual Notarization series available on Amazon.

  • Ohio Notary Laws Notaries Nationwide Need To Understand

    Ohio Notary Laws are updating – Effective April 3, 2023! Ohio Senate Bill 131 will go into effect on April 3, 2023, and will create a new element with a person’s ability to become an Ohio Notary! This new aspect of qualification allows for any notary public, in any other state , who meets these minimum requirements: Has had their commission for at least one year in the other state, and Is in good standing within their own jurisdiction, and Has completed all the required training for their current state, and Has completed the 3-hour training course & passed the exam for Ohio, and Does not have any disqualifying offenses. Now, what does that mean for you? It appears that many Notaries are reading this and going “oh man yes!” without realizing there are still some limits to this aspect. What it DOES NOT MEAN is that you could become an Ohio Notary Public and perform notarizations while in your home state. Example: Jim is a notary in California, California does not allow remote online notarization yet. Jim obtains his Ohio Notary Public Commission and gets certified to perform RONs for Ohio. YES : If Jim is traveling to Ohio and will be physically in Ohio; he would be permitted to perform RON transactions under Ohio Notary Public Laws. NO : If Jim is at home in California and wants to do a RON transaction – he cannot do this as he must be physically located within the Ohio Borders to serve as an Ohio Notary Public. I, personally, love this new law because in about a year or two I plan to move to Florida. I will live in Florida for about 8 months within a year, and then spend my summers in Ohio. After I have lived in Florida for a year, with a Florida commission, I will now be able to obtain my Ohio Notary Commission for when I’m in Ohio. I will not lose my business just because I am “on the move”. This will be extremely helpful if you reside right on the Ohio border in a connecting State. Kentucky, Pennsylvania, Michigan, New York, or Indiana! You probably get text messages for signings; however, since they are “across the geographical limits” you must turn them away. Now, if you obtain this dual commission in Ohio, you can say Yes! Another way this could work for you as a notary is to promote the fact that you are dual commissioned. Now, you and I both know that having a dual commission is not “really” something that will help you be a better Notary Public. However, when you “pitch” to your prospective client base it makes you “sound” like you are more qualified than any other Notary Public that walks through their door. In this business, every little aspect helps when reaching out to new clients. The next area that they changed was within House Bill 567, Effective April 6, 2023. They updated the definition of an acknowledgement. The new definition is: a declaration by an individual before a Notary Public that the individual has signed a record for the purpose stated in the record, and if the record is signed in a representative capacity, that the individual signed the record with proper authority and signed it as the act of the individual or entity identified in the record. Should a Peace Office decide to become an Ohio Notary, they no longer need to have a background check performed. They can simply submit their OPADA Certificate to replace this requirement in the application process. The other big change is with Vehicle Titles. Previously, every title had to be notarized by the Seller with an oath given. Now, if the vehicle is being sold to a Licensed Motor Vehicle Dealer, the seller does not need to have the title, or a power of attorney notarized. This does not change private party sales, or sales to a junk yard. These title transfers must still be Notarized by the Seller, with an oath given by the Notary, and all the lines must be completed prior to notarization. This includes the Name of the Buyer, the Buyer’s Physical Address, The Amount Which Was Paid for the Vehicle, The Odometer Reading of the Vehicle, and the other miscellaneous items that require a check mark on the appropriate answer. If you believe that you would like to become an Ohio Notary Public, after the April 3rd date, you will want to get started with your background check. This will require you to download the fingerprint card from the Ohio Attorney General’s website ( ), then meet with a local fingerprinting agency/training notary public in your area. After you have your ink fingerprints completed, mail the form to Ohio. This background check must be completed within 6months of your application to become an Ohio Notary Public. On April 3rd (or after) you can obtain the required training and exam at . This training program has a state mandated fee of $130.00. This training program is self-paced and fully online. You can attend it from anywhere and complete the educational requirements for the Ohio Notary Commission. Should you want to obtain your Remote Online Notarization Commission for the State of Ohio. This is a second educational course, and the state mandated fee for it is $250.00. This course also is fully online and is only available through one vendor (per Ohio’s current law). This course can be purchased at . Again, a friendly reminder, no matter what type of Ohio Notary Public Commission you have you MUST be physically located in the geographic region of Ohio to perform services as an Ohio Notary Public.

  • It's RON vs The Underwriter

    As an underwriter for a real estate closing, they have a lot on their plate. Their job is to evaluate and assess the risks associated with a mortgage or loan and make sure everything is in order before approving the loan. One important aspect of the closing process is the notarization of legal documents. And when it comes to notarization, having a state-specific notary can make all the difference. A state-specific notary is someone who is authorized to notarize documents within a particular state. They have passed the necessary exams and have been certified to perform notarial acts in that state. Here are some reasons why they may want to have a state-specific notary for their real estate closing(s): Compliance with State Laws: Each state has its own set of laws governing notarial acts. Having a notary who is certified in that state ensures that all documents are properly notarized in compliance with that specific state’s laws. Knowledge of Local Procedures: A state-specific notary is familiar with the local procedures and regulations, which can help to expedite the closing process. They know the specific requirements for notarizing documents in their state, which can help avoid potential mistakes or delays. Mitigate Risks: A state-specific notary can help mitigate the risks associated with a real estate closing. They can identify potential issues and help to ensure that all parties are protected. Avoid Rejections: When documents are notarized by a notary who is not certified in the state for which the property is located, then there is a high risk of rejection. This can cause delays and may even result in the need for a new closing. By having a state-specific notary, you can avoid these issues and ensure that your documents are notarized correctly. This rejection aspect has a major impact when you are looking at closings online, as many underwriters will not fund a loan on a property if the online notary is commissioned in a different state than where it is physically located. While we all know we can “cross” these physical borders virtually, by doing so it has a significant, and long-term effect on the documents which are completed. Moving the legal “venue” to that of the notary; should anything every be contested, this now moves the applicable laws for this property the state which the notary is commissioned in. And that could affect the way the underwriter moves forward should the applicant on the loan stop paying the monthly installments or declares bankruptcy. Just like with Notary Laws, every state sets their own standards and rules. We see it every day, some notaries can do copy certification, while other cannot. Some notaries can perform officiant services, while others cannot. This also falls into how debts are paid on property. Florida’s laws for collection of debts on a property, probably, are different than that of Alaska! Should this applicant stop payment on their home loan for a property in Florida, and an Alaska Notary performed the closing, now they must add in Alaska property laws into their case. This is why, while important to advertise nationally, we as RON notaries should be blanketing ads to all our local and state title agencies to ensure that the work in our state – stays in our state, for their own peace of mind and protection! In summary, having a state-specific notary for a real estate closing can help ensure compliance with state laws, expedite the closing process, mitigate risks, avoid rejections, and headaches!

  • Notary in Full Bloom: How to Attract More Clients as Winter Thaws

    Winter may be coming to a close, so why not start planting the seeds now to give your Remote Online Notary (RON) business a boost? If you're struggling to attract new clients, don't worry - here are some fresh ideas and strategies that are sure to bring in more customers. Work on this in March and you will have April showers that will make your May flower! Embrace the Warmth of Social Media Social media is a great way to promote your Remote Online Notary business and reach a wider audience and it’s cheap (or it’s cheep, cheep like Easter chicks). You can create a business page on Facebook, Instagram, or LinkedIn and showcase all the amazing services you offer. Use eye-catching images and videos to highlight your expertise and show potential clients what makes you stand out. Next, spread the word to your friends, family, and followers on social media. Encourage them to share your business page with their network, and don't forget to use hashtags to boost your visibility and attract more clients. Even if you think your friends and family know what you do for a living, tell them again. Don’t assume your friends know all the services you offer. You should tell them, then tell them again in a different way, then tell them again in another way. Remember, we are sowing seeds and nurturing our Notary garden. Reviews are like Sunshine Online reviews are super important when it comes to attracting new clients. Positive reviews on Yelp, Google, or Facebook can greatly boost your credibility and help you stand out from the competition. So, don't be shy - ask your clients to leave a review after their appointment. As most notaries are painfully aware, our fees are fixed by the State, so when you go above and beyond for your client, there is no shame in asking for a little something in return. You can follow up with an email thanking them for their business and including a link to your business page on Yelp, Google, or Facebook. And, if you really want to sweeten the deal, consider offering a small incentive like a discount on their next notarization. Bring a Little Spring into Their Step with Discounts Everyone loves a good deal, and offering discounts to repeat clients is a great way to encourage them to come back again and again. Maybe you want to consider offering a loyalty program where clients can earn a free notarization after a certain number of appointments? Or you could also offer a discount to clients who refer new business to you. These incentives show your clients that you value their business and want to reward them for their loyalty. Remember, you are a business owner. There is a reason that stores offer sales and promotions. Warm Them Up with Your Availability As a remote online notary, you have the advantage of being available at any time and from anywhere. This means you can attract clients who need notarization outside of regular business hours or who can't travel to a physical location. To make the most of this advantage, make sure to advertise your availability outside of regular business hours. This could include offering appointments on weekends or evenings or even offering 24/7 availability for emergency notarizations. By making yourself available when others won't, you can attract more clients who are looking for convenience and flexibility. Don’t be left in the cold. Spring into Action!! As we approach the end of winter and transition into spring, now is the perfect time to give your RON business a burst of new life. By using social media to promote your services, asking for reviews, offering discounts to repeat clients, and making yourself available at all hours, you can attract more clients and grow your business. Embrace the warmth of spring and bring new energy to your business as you step out of the winter chill. With these strategies, you're sure to see your Remote Online Notary business flourish in the months ahead. Bring a little bit of spring into your business and watch it blossom!

  • Can Your RON Software Also Give You Access To Perform IPEN Notarizations?

    As a notary, you may be familiar with the traditional in-person notarization process. However, with the rise of technology, notaries can now offer remote online notarization (RON) and remote ink notarization (RIN) services. And, with the right software platform, you can also offer in-person electronic notarization (IPEN) services, giving you the flexibility to serve clients both in-person and remotely. RON allows you to notarize documents remotely using video conferencing technology. RIN, on the other hand, allows you to notarize documents that have been signed in ink by your client, but not in your physical presence. By using a software platform that offers both RON and RIN capabilities, you can expand your business and cater to clients who are unable to physically come to your office. IPEN, which involves notarizing digital documents in person, is another service that notaries can offer using the same software platform. With IPEN, you can notarize digital documents in person, providing clients with a convenient and secure way to notarize their documents. Using a software platform that offers all three capabilities can help you streamline your notarization business and make it easier for you to manage your notarization services. By having one platform for all your notarization needs, you can easily switch between RON, RIN, and IPEN as needed, without having to switch between multiple software programs. This is completely possible if you already have a RON Software subscription! In the notarization world, it is ok to do more – just not less than. Simply override the ID Proofing requirement as personally known, this is valid because the id verification will be done in person. Then use the electronic aspect to tag, and have each signer apply their elements and signatures while you are standing physically together. If your RON provider requires a video, not a problem! While you don’t legally need a video for IPEN; it does not violate any laws to HAVE a video for these. When doing a RIN transaction, simply upload a blank document. Once in the session use the video stream to validate the tangible document is the one the client previously signed and apply your ink signature and stamp to the session. You can then log that a notarization took place (because it did, just not electronically). Using the same software for all three aspects will also allow you to consolidate your electronic journal into one place, for easy access and reporting! In summary, by using a software platform that offers RON, RIN, and IPEN capabilities, you can expand your notarization business and provide your clients with a range of convenient and secure notarization options. Whether your clients prefer in-person or remote notarization services, you can offer them a complete suite of options to suit their needs.

  • OOOPS! I made a mistake

    As a Notary Public we are all human and can make a mistake on a notarial certificate. Anything from forgetting to place our signature or stamp on the certificate, to dating it incorrectly, or just a spelling error. But just because we say, 'that's human error', we shouldn't be minimizing this because notarial certificate errors can have serious consequences. It is always best to avoid them in the first place. Most of the time we catch those before we finish with our duties. To mitigate the risk of an error, it is important to review all your certificates BEFORE they are signed to make sure they are minimally compliant with your state regulations and then make sure all information is complete and accurate. Sometimes, we get that dreaded call from the title company or Signing Service that lets us know that we need to provide a corrected certificate because of an error. Surprisingly, sometimes it will have been many months before we find out that our certificate has an error. That can happen for a variety of reasons that my crystal ball has a very narrow and limited vison, so we won't go into those reasons here. Depending upon the severity of the error, the steps to correct it will depend on the type of document, the amount of time that has passed, the receiving parties requirements as well as the laws and regulations of the jurisdiction where the notarization was performed. Each state has their own set of guidelines on what procedure the Notary is to follow to make those types of corrections. But, what if that error occurs on a high-powered or formidable document like a Power of Attorney? Or a recordable document like a Deed of Trust or Mortgage? The key to correcting these errors might be subject to how much time has passed since the signing occurred. Or if the document has already been recorded before the error was discovered. Often times, it involves more than just having the notary provide a loose certificate as a replacement for the flawed certificate. Sometimes these errors fall into a category known as Scriveners' Errors. A "Scrivener's Error" - also called a clerical error, is a mistake made on a legal document or contract. It can include misspelled words, incorrect dates, incorrect dollar amounts or numbers, the omission (or inclusion) of words, statements, or phrases. Errors on legal documents (Scrivener's Error) may render the document invalid and may require legal intervention to correct. Sometimes if the error is in the document itself, (lets use a Deed as an example) then maybe only a Corrective Deed can be filed and recorded to clarify something in the prior Deed. That corrective Deed must also contain a Scriveners Affidavit made the by preparer of the document giving a description of the omission or error and the corrected information. The same would be true for the notarial certificate. Something is wrong with the certificate and some time has passed since it was completed. Adding a corrected loose certificate to the already employed document may not be an option. The only other recourse is to use a Scrivener's Affidavit. The Affidavit is a statement (on paper) made by the original notary and must contain; 1) the date of the original document/notarization 2) the names of all persons who signed the original document 3)Name of the Document 4) A description of the omission or error and 5) the corrected information. Of course this statement needs to be signed in the presence of another Notary who then will administer an Oath to this signer and complete a Jurat/Verification Upon Oath. I have been a Notary and Loan Signing Agent for 22-years. I have been called only twice to assist with a Scriveners Affidavit in my career. Not so funny was how embarrassed the Notaries were when faced with meeting with a fellow notary and owning up to their errors. At the same time they both were grateful that it didn't escalate into a full scale lawsuit against them. One particularly touched my heart as her error was made early in her career as a Notary. Perhaps when she wasn't quite as confident in her education and skills. Her error was made 8-years before this on a Healthcare Power of Attorney for a gentleman who had recently been diagnosed with dementia. Now, in order for his Agent to use this, the certificate had to be corrected. The certificate had pretty standard verbiage and said "Acknowledged before me on this __day of _____,2008 by ______________________..." That long blank line should have contained the name of the signer. This is our "By line" we talk about so much in our live classes. Instead, she put her own name on that line and the certificate did not contain the name of the person that came before her and signed the document. This is a requirement in nearly every certificate that we complete as Notaries Public. She was a new notary at the time and just didn't know what she knows now. It could have cost her more than her commission all those years later. Education is important starting out in this career. Continuing education is also important as you make your way through all the regulation changes. Education can open the eyes of a new notary and remind a seasoned notary to keep their eyes open.

  • From "9 to 5" to 24/7: The Benefits of Being a Remote Online Notary

    "Pour myself a cup of ambition..." - Dolly Parton's iconic lyrics in "9 to 5" perfectly capture the daily grind of the average American worker. But for notaries, the traditional "9 to 5" routine is only the tip of the iceberg. As inflation rises, state mandated rates can have a negative effect on the notary industry. However, a new solution has emerged in the form of Remote Online Notary services (RON). By adapting to this changing landscape, notaries can break free from the limitations of time and location and offer a more efficient and convenient service to clients. So, let's pour ourselves a cup of ambition and explore the benefits of Remote Online Notary in the face of rising inflation. "They let you dream just to watch 'em shatter You're just a step on the boss-man's ladder But you got dreams he'll never take away" As a notary, you work hard to provide an essential service to your clients. But when your earnings are capped by state mandated rates, it can be frustrating and demotivating. With rising inflation, it becomes even harder to make ends meet. But fear not, there's a way to combat these challenges and take your notary career to the next level. By becoming a Remote Online Notary, you can break free by expanding your client base beyond your immediate geographic area. This means you can work from anywhere (within your State’s boundaries, of course), whether it's your home office or a beachside resort. Just imagine not having to deal with rush hour traffic or a noisy office environment. You can have the flexibility to work at a time and place of your choosing. But becoming a Remote Online Notary isn't just about location independence. It's also about taking advantage of the latest technology and delivering a convenient and efficient service to your clients. With video conferencing and digital document signing, Remote Online Notarization has become a game-changer for the industry. And with the COVID-19 pandemic having forced many businesses to adapt to remote services and the work from home (WFH) mentality, remote online notarization has become more in demand than ever. "You're in the same boat with a lotta your friends Waitin' for the day your ship'll come in An' the tide's gonna turn and it's all gonna roll your way" Now is the time to jump ship! Becoming a Remote Online Notary does come with its own set of challenges, but lucky for you, not all of your counterparts are willing to adjust and adapt to their changing environment. There are a few extra requirements, albeit minimal and easily overcome. You will need to have the necessary technology and software to conduct video conferencing, as well as a reliable internet connection. You will likely need to take additional coursework with your State and you still need to comply with the laws and regulations of the states. You will need to carve out your own niche and do a little more self-promotion. But don't let these challenges hold you back. By taking the leap and becoming a remote online notary, you can potentially earn more money and have a more fulfilling career. You can also enjoy the benefits of being your own boss and having the flexibility to work on your own terms. And who knows, you might just find that you're happier and more productive when you have the freedom to work from a location of your choosing. Especially a location that doesn’t require you to put $4 a gallon gas in your car and doesn’t cost $7+ per ream of paper you have to print your assignments on for signing. "9 to 5, yeah they got you where they want you There's a better life, and you dream about it, don't you?" Of course, becoming a remote online notary isn't the right choice for everyone. If you prefer the traditional in-person notarization process, that's perfectly fine. The important thing is to stay informed about the latest developments and adapt to the changing landscape of the industry. But if you're looking to break free from the geographical limitations and take your notary career to the next level, becoming a remote online notary might just be the key. So what are you waiting for? It's time to channel your inner Dolly Parton and take charge of your notary career. Whether you choose to become a traditional notary or a Remote Online Notary, it's important to stay informed, adapt to change, and enjoy the journey. After all, "9 to 5" might have been a way to make a living in the past, but the notary industry has evolved, and with it, new opportunities and challenges have emerged. By becoming a RON, you can potentially break free from these limitations and expand your client base while delivering a convenient and efficient service. It's not without its challenges, but with the right mindset and tools, you can take your notary career to the next level. So go ahead, sing along with Dolly, and let her iconic lyrics inspire you to take action. Whether it's "9 to 5" or working as a Remote Online Notary, the key is to stay informed, adapt to change, and never give up on your dreams. After all, as Dolly once said, "If you don't like the road you're walking, start paving another one."

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