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What Digital Marketing Strategies Really Work?

Marketing any business is tough. But when you are in a mobile or niche business it can be even harder. Especially if you don't have any experience in marketing what-so-ever. Don't worry though, all is not lost to business owners who are just getting in gear to market themselves! Let's take Mobile Notary Services for example. When customers of a mobile notary service reach out, they are generally looking for a Notary in the very near future. Face it, thinking about having a document Notarized for yourself isn't something even you think of often. And to top it off, lots of times the services mobile notaries provide consumers often involves stress. And please, don't say that buying or selling a home isn't stressful. So how do you market a business to people when they either don't want to think about buying your product or service or they won't need your services often? Here are 5 important things to consider when you are marketing your Notary Business: #1) Ask yourself what is the first-place people turn to when searching for your business? When a consumer needs a Notary Public the first place they turn to is a search engine (Google). Google holds 90+ percent of all searches for everything. Fact Check Me. This may not be new information for you but please keep reading because there's a small rabbit hole here. And, if you didn't know that I hope you find your way out of whatever rabbit hole you are currently in. #2) People Generally Need Notaries Quickly, Not on Advanced Appointments. This means that you will always need to be able to be found on the sites where people search for a Notary public in quickly if you don't have your own website:

  • Google My Business

  • Yelp

  • Notary Stars

  • 123Notary

  • Notary Rotary

  • Online Notaries Public

#3) If you don't have a website you need to start one and focus on:

  • Search Engine Optimization

  • Landing Pages for Specific City Searches

  • Landing Pages for Specific Services You Offer

You will hear a lot of people (lazy people) say that all you need is a Google My Business listing to get business. But this is so, so, so very wrong. Google My Business only list the first 3 listings on search results and since there are so many listings it often rotates the listings on a variety of factors. One of the factors is distance. Just because you see your listing come up while sitting at your business address doesn't mean it will come up down the street. Google may be serving the next neighborhood over a totally different listing. Having a great website, an optimized website, can even beat Google My Business listings in rankings. And it can definitely give you the 4th position on the page when other businesses don't answer their phones. And well written meta descriptions for webpages can also pull people into your business instead of others. I've done it a few times and always strive to optimize. #4) Social Media plays a huge role in letting people know you are out there! I know it sounds scary to most but that is the world we are living in today. Social media is where most people spend their time these days (not in front of the television). And attention spans have gotten shorter too. Now this doesn't mean you need you, your family, or friends trending on TikTok for the latest dance crazes. It just means you need to know how to reach your local audience with a good public service announcement that would make them want to a) follow your account b) visit your website or c) store your number in their phone. Social media is much easier than you think, and you don't have to put your face on it at all. You can use your brand! LOL, you don't even have to use your voice now a days thanks to A.I. Technology and voice-overs. #5) If you don't market your business no one else will and no one will find you.

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