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Step-By-Step Guide To A Notary Public Commission

Updated: Jul 26, 2023

Requirements for

Notary Public Commission Appointments

For New and Renewing Notaries Public


Before You Complete an "Application for Appointment as a Notary Public" you will need to:


Enter into a Bond to the State of Nevada in the sum of $10,000:

Contact a surety bonding company authorized to do business in Nevada for information on cost and how to obtain a surety bond.


Take and subscribe to the oath set forth in Section 2 of Article 15 of the Constitution of the State of Nevada:

This can be completed at the same time as the next step “Obtain a Filing Notice”.


Obtain a Filing Notice by Filing your Bond with the Office of the County Clerk

  • If you are a Resident of Nevada, please file and record the bond in the office of the county clerk of the county in which you reside.

  • If you are a Resident of an Adjoining State, please file with the clerk of the county in this State in which you maintain a place of business or are employed.


Complete the Notary Public Training Course

The course consists of the Notary Public Course and the Notary Public Commission Exam

This course can be found at:

From the Course Catalog please, enroll in: (Commission Course) State of Nevada - Notary Public Course

When you ready to take the exam, enroll in: (Commission Course) State of Nevada - Notary Public Exam

- You will need to complete the Training Course and Pass the Exam

- You will need to record a passing score to be appointed as a Notary Public

- If you fail the Exam, you will need to wait 24 hours to record another score

- You will need to retake the Course and Exam every time you renew



Completing Your Application for Appointment as a Notary Public

After you have Entered into a Bond, Obtained a Filing Notice, and Completed the Notary Public Training Course


Steps to complete your Application for Appointment as a Notary Public:

1. Login to your account on SilverFlume:

  • New Notary Public Applicants will need to create an account

2. Under the “OTHER BUSINESS SERVICES” select the “Notary” link

3. Under the "NOTARY" dropdown select either:




4. If you are completing a RENEWAL APPOINTMENT please use the search tool to find your profile

  • When using the search Less is More

    • Please first attempt your Last Name only or your Last Name with your first initial.

  • After you have located your profile, select Next

5. Complete the Notary Commission Information Section

  • Please note: Confidential Address Program is a state program you must be registered with before using.

Do not select this if you are not currently a participant in the Program

  • For "RENEWAL APPOINTMENT” Please ensure you have updated you address within SilverFlume if it has changed since your last appointment.

6. When uploading Supporting Documentation

  • Please upload your Filing Notice Issued by the Office of the County Clerk. Submitting your bond without a filing notice will cause you application to be rejected; a bond and filing notice are not the same thing

  • Please Print Notary Application and Physically Sign the document before uploading.

The use of a digital Signature will cause the application to be rejected

  • If you are a resident of an adjoining state, you will also need to upload the addition required documents on this page

  • Uploaded Documents need to be uploaded as a PDF file type. Please convert all other Document types.

7. Review and Add to Shopping Cart

  • Please review the entered information. Amendments to an Appointment cost $10.00


Regular processing time is currently 2 – 3 weeks. This does not include shipping times.


If your application has been rejected, please contact by NVNOTARY@SOS.NV.GOV when submitting information and documents connected to correcting your application

You do not need to pay a second time or resubmit your request for appointment



Sample of a (Clark County) Filing Notice


PrintFeedbackFont Size:+-The following is a brief description of the duties a notarial officer is authorized to conduct in the State of Nevada. Take Acknowledgments: The document signer must present the document to you, the notarial officer, and acknowledge or declare (state) that he or she previously signed the document, or the document signer can sign the document in your presence. If the document is signed in a representative capacity -- for example, the person is an officer of a corporation -- the person must declare (state) to you that he or she signed the document with proper authority and executed it as the act of the person or entity represented. The following format and wording is sufficient for an acknowledgment in an individual capacity: State of Nevada County of ________________ This instrument was acknowledged before me on ____[DATE]___ by ________[NAME OF PERSON(S)]_______. ________________________ (Notary stamp) (Signature of notarial officer) The following format and wording is sufficient for an acknowledgment containing a power of attorney: State of Nevada County of ________________ This instrument was acknowledged before me on ____[DATE]___ by ________[NAME OF PERSON RECEIVING POWER OF ATTORNEY]_______ as attorney in fact for ________[NAME OF PRINCIPAL]_______. ________________________ (Notary stamp) (Signature of notarial officer) The following format and wording is sufficient for an Acknowledgment in a Representative Capacity: State of Nevada County of ________________ This instrument was acknowledged before me on ____[DATE]___ by ________[NAME OF PERSON]_______ as _______[TYPE OF AUTHORITY]______ of ________[NAME OF PARTY WHOM THE INSTRUMENT WAS EXECUTED]_______. ________________________ (Notary stamp) (Signature of notarial officer) The following format and wording is sufficient for a Translator's Acknowledgment: I [TRANSLATOR'S NAME] certify that I am fluent in English and (translated language on document) that I am competent to perform the translation and that the above translation is the complete and accurate translation of the document entitled (document title). Signature of Translator _______________________________ State of Nevada County of ________________ This instrument was acknowledged before me on ____[DATE]___ by ________[NAME OF TRANSLATOR]_______. ________________________ (Notary stamp) (Signature of notarial officer) Certify Copies: As a notarial officer, you may photocopy most documents if it is presented to you. The following language is then attached or stamped, if you have such a stamp, to each copy The following format and wording is sufficient Certifying a Copy: State of Nevada County of ________________ I certify that this is a true and correct copy of a document in the possession of ________[NAME OF PERSON]_______ dated ______[DATE]______ . ________________________ (Notary stamp) (Signature of notarial officer) Execute a Jurat: The jurat is that part of the document, such as an affidavit or verification, in which you as a notarial officer state that it was sworn to (or affirmed) before you. You must first administer an oath by swearing in the document signer. You ask, "Do you swear that the statements in this document are true so help you God?" or "Do you affirm that the statements in this document are true". The document signer then answers, "Yes." The person then signs the document in your presence, and you complete the jurat. The following format and wording are sufficient for a verification upon oath or affirmation: State of Nevada County of ________________ Signed and sworn to (or affirmed) before me on ____[DATE]___ by ________[NAME OF PERSON(S)]_______. ________________________ (Notary stamp) (Signature of notarial officer) Administer Oaths or Affirmations: The individual taking the oath or affirmation raises one's right hand while you, the notarial officer, state the words of the oath or affirmation. The oath taker then repeats these words back to you and the notarial officer completes the document as required. The following format and wording are sufficient for a verification upon oath or affirmation: State of Nevada County of ________________ I, ________[NAME OF PERSON]_______, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support, protect and defend the Constitution and Government of the United States and the Constitution and Government of the State of Nevada against all enemies, whether domestic or foreign, and that I will bear true faith, allegiance and loyalty to the same, any ordinance, resolution or law of any state notwithstanding, and that I will well and faithfully perform all the duties of the office of ________[TITLE OF OFFICE]_______, on which I am about to enter; (if an oath) so help me God; (if an affirmation) under the pains and penalties of perjury. _______________________________________________ (Signature of person taking oath or affirmation of Office) Signed and sworn to (or affirmed) before me on ____[DATE]___ by ________[NAME OF PERSON(S)]_______. ________________________ (Notary stamp) (Signature of notarial officer)

Training & Online Class Information

Who is Required to Take an Online Notary Training Class?

The following persons will be required to complete a notary public online class presented by the Nevada Secretary of State's Notary Division pursuant to NRS 240.018 and NRS 240.1943:

  • Anyone applying to be a notary public or register as an electronic notary public for the first time;

  • Anyone renewing their appointment as a notary public or renewing their registration as an electronic notary public; or

  • Anyone renewing an appointment as a notary public, who, if during the preceding 4 years has been fined for failing to comply with a statute or regulation of the State of Nevada

A Desktop PC is Recommended - Do Not Attempt Via Tablet or Phone

About the Online Classes

The online traditional notary training class is designed to provide a detailed explanation of the roles and responsibilities of a notary. The class will cover important topics such as:

  • identifying document signers

  • what a notary certificate is and how to use it earnestly

  • which identification is valid and which is not

  • the correct information required in your notary journal

  • who is required to keep a journal

  • how long you must keep a journal

  • how to avoid fines

  • the fee you may collect for your notary service

  • how to calculate these fees

  • who is responsible for the notary stamp and journal

  • what to do if your notary stamp is lost or stolen

  • how to avoid easy mistakes

The online electronic notary training class is designed to provide a detailed explanation of the roles and responsibilities of an electronic notary whether the notarial acts are performed in-person or by means of audio-video communication. The class will cover important topics such as:

  • identifying document signers through an electronic notary solution platform

  • electronic notarial fees

  • what a digital certificate is and why it is required to perform an electronic notarial act

  • the correct information required in your electronic notary journal

  • the requirements that must be met to perform an electronic notarial act for a document signer outside the United States by means of audio-visual communication

  • the requirements of the electronic seal and signature

  • what to do in the event that the electronic technology used to perform electronic notarial acts is compromised or rendered ineffective

Please Note:

No certificate is required or available to print after completion of the online eNotary training class and exam.

Which Online Class Should I Take?

  • If you use a mechanical stamp and a wet signature to perform notarial acts on physical documents, select the "Traditional Notary Training" class.

  • If you use an electronic seal and electronic signature to perform electronic notarial acts on electronic documents, select the "eNotary Training" class.

  • If you are a new or renewing traditional notary and would like to also register as an electronic notary, both classes are required.

Use Google Chrome or Firefox - Internet Explorer not Recommended

How to Pay for Each Class?

  • If you are paying by check/money order for your traditional notary training class:

    • you must submit your training class fee of $45.00 by mail.

  • If you are paying by credit card for your traditional notary training class:

    • you may submit your training class fee of $45.00 by mail with a Credit Card Checklist form; or

    • you may pay your training class fee of $45.00 online via the SilverFlume portal

  • Payment for the electronic notary training class must be made by credit card online via the SilverFlume portal

Forms & Fees

Notary Public Fees

Notary Application


eNotary Registration


Notary Training


eNotary Training




Duplicate Certificate


Notary Public Commission Amendment Form

For all changes to a Notary Public's Commission: Name, Address, Phone, and County Change.

For requesting duplicate certificates.

For reporting Lost or Stolen Notary Public Stamps, Journals, and Electronic Signature or Seal

Non-Resident Notary Public Commission Forms

Nonresident Employment Affidavits for Self-Employed Applicants.

Nonresident Employment Affidavits for Individual Employed in Nevada.

Payment Forms

This form may be used to submit your notary amendments, appointment requests, and violations.

Please note: the ePayment Checklist form is for counter, mail, and fax requests only.


What is a notarial act? As defined in the notary statutes, a notarial act is any act that a notary public of this state is authorized to perform, including taking an acknowledgment, administering an oath or affirmation, executing a jurat or taking a verification upon oath or affirmation, certifying or attesting a copy, and noting a protest of a negotiable instrument (if employed by a financial institution).

Are both my stamp and my signature required for a notarial act? Yes. However, you also need to complete the notarial wording. Your signature and stamp by themselves do not constitute a complete notarization. You also need to complete the notarial wording.

When affixing my signature and using the stamp, how close together must they appear on the paper? No certain distance is required by law however, both must appear in the notarial wording section of the document. Use reasonable judgment.

Does the document need to be signed in front of me? Yes. The statutes require that you see the signer actually sign the document when the notarial wording is that of a JURAT. In the case of an acknowledgment, the person is simply acknowledging (declaring, stating) that he or she signed the document. If you do not know the signer, he or she must present identification along with signing your journal.

Do I have to know what type of document I am notarizing? Yes. The type of document is almost always described by its title e.g., affidavit, etc. This information must be entered in your journal.

Can I notarize a document that is written in a foreign language? In most instances, yes. All you need is a title to put in your journal, and you can use the title the person gives you. However, you may not be able to witness a signature because you must be able to tell if that person is named in the document. If you are asked to certify a copy, you should make the photocopy yourself rather than try to compare two copies. You may need to check with an interpreter as to the type, or title, of the document. If this document is false or endorses or promotes a product, you will not know that. Finally, if the document is written in a language you can not read, you must add the notarial wording in English.

What if I am asked to notarize a signature that is on a blank piece of paper (no text)? You must ask your customer to write an explanation as to why they want their signature notarized in addition to their signature. This statement may be as simple as: " I have been asked to have my signature notarized for verification"

If a person needs help formulating a document, can I give advice? No.

Must I be concerned with whether the form is properly filled out, as long as the notarial certificate is correct? It's not the notary's responsibility to check that the form is properly filled out, but it is the notary's responsibility to make sure the notarial wording is correct and complete.

What should I do if I determine a document is forged or fraudulent? Don't notarize it. As a responsible citizen, you should also report the crime to law enforcement although nothing in the notarial law requires this.


Should I note which ID was used in my journal? Yes. The law requires that the notary enter into the journal a description of the evidence used to verify the identification of the signer.

If a credible witness is used, that person must also sign your journal. If you personally know the document signer, write "personally known" in the proper column.

How many pieces of ID should I required? As many as necessary to give you satisfactory evidence that the person whose signature is on the document is that person. One may be sufficient. If you rely on an identifying document, that document must contain a signature and a photograph of the document signer.

Does a credible witness need to be present or can he or she verify identity by phone or letter? The credible witness needs to be present.

Is a photo ID required? The law requires a identification card with a photo and signature of the document signer must be on the identification card.

Are there any exceptions? In 1997 the law was changed regarding identification of a person who is 65 years of age or older. If such a person does not have a picture ID, the person can be identified with a card issued by a governmental agency or senior citizen center. Use this method of identification only if there is absolutely no other way to identify the document signer.

Can I use an expired photo ID if the signature and photo match the person before me? The statute doesn't address expired IDs. You, the notary, have to make the determination of whether the ID presented is satisfactory or not. You must be satisfied that the person making the acknowledgment/verification is the person whose signature is on the document.

How do I notarize the signature of someone who is from another country if that person's ID has been stolen? The standard for determining identity is the same. If no written ID is available, a credible witness can be used. Remember, the credible witness must be present and known to you.

If I'm asked to notarize a document that is already signed, can I have the signer sign another piece of paper so I can compare the signatures? The best procedure is to have the signer sign the document again in your presence, either above or below the original signature. You need not cross out the original signature. You may also have the person sign another piece of paper so that you may compare signatures. (Remember, however, this is not necessary when taking an acknowledgment.)

Can a "mark" be accepted as the individual's signature?

Yes, Nevada law, NRS 52.305 (1991) states:

  1. The signature of a party, when required to a written instrument, is equally valid if the party cannot write, if:

    1. The person makes his mark;

    2. The name of the person making the mark is written near it; and

    3. The mark is witnessed by a person who writes his own name as a witness.

  1. In order that a signature by mark may be acknowledged or may serve as the signature to any sworn statement, it must be witnessed by two persons who must subscribe their own names as witnesses thereto.


Do I have to purchase a special kind of journal? If so, where? Yes, a special journal is required: one that is bound and has pre-printed pages. You may purchase one from an office supply store.

May two notaries share one journal? No. Each notary is responsible for his or her own work and must be ready to stand accountable for the information entered in the journal.

During what hours must my journal be open for public inspection? During the hours you would normally be at work.

How public is the notary journal? Exactly who can inspect it? The journal is open to public inspection however, you should not hand over your journal for random "fishing expeditions" to anyone. The journal should be in your sole control at all times.

Do I have to open my journal for public inspection when it may include confidential information such as social security numbers, account numbers, or address? The journal is open to public inspection. According to law, the only seven pieces of information that must be in the journal are: the fee charged (if any), the title of the document, the date the service was performed, the name and signature of the person whose signature is being notarized, a description of the evidence used by the notary to verify the identification of the person whose signature is being notarized, and whether an oath was administered.

May I refuse to notarize for someone who refuses to sign my journal? Yes, because the notary law requires that the journal be signed.

How long must I keep my journal? You must keep your journal(s) during the entire period of time for which you are a notary public in this state. After your commission(s) expire and you are no longer a notary, you must keep all your journals for an additional 7 years.

If I stop being a notary or if I die, what happens to my journal? Notify the Secretary of State writing as to the location of the journal if it is within the time frame described in the previous question. After this time frame, your estate may dispose of the journal(s). The stamp must be destroyed immediately.

Can I "hide" a document in my journal by giving it a false title in an effort to protect a client who does not want, for example, anyone to know he/she adopted a child? No. The title of the document and person's name is required by statute to be in your journal.

Does every single transaction need to be recorded even if they are all for the same person? Yes.

What does "title of the matter" mean in NRS 240.120? Would it be "acknowledgment" or "loan agreement"? It's the title of the document, so it would be "loan agreement."


May I have more than one stamp made to keep one at home and one at the office? Yes. Remember, you need your Certificate of Appointment to get a stamp according to law.

How important is it that I use black ink for my stamp as opposed to some other color? The notary law states that you may use any color ink as long as it is indelible and photographically reproducible.

When there is no room for the notarial certificate (such as on many DMV documents), may I attach one on another piece of paper? How should I indicate that this is what I have done? The notary stamp must be readable, and the 1997 law prohibits placing your notary stamp or your signature over printed material. However, you may use an attached sheet (known as a loose certificate). Note on the document that a notarial certificate is attached and note on the notarial certificate the kind of document to which it is attached. Keep in mind, the best place for the notary wording and your notary stamp is on the face of the document where the signature of the document signer appears.

Should I keep my notary stamp locked away at all times? It's a good idea to keep your notary stamp secure at all times, whether that's locked in your desk or someplace else.


Must I see the original document when notarizing a certified copy? No, the law allows you to certify to a document presented to you. The notarial wording used to certify a copy does not indicate that you are certifying to an original document.

When I am asked to "certify to a copy" of a document and I notice that the notarial stamp on the original had in fact expired before the document was notarized, can I still certify to the copy? Yes, as long as the copy is complete, accurate, and authentic. The notary does not determine the legality of any document.

If I am asked to make a certified copy, but the document is in a foreign language, can I refuse to do so on the grounds that I may actually be photocopying a document that cannot be legally photocopied? Yes. However, you cannot refuse to notarize an affidavit or acknowledgment as long as all the other requirements are met.

Am I able to certify a paper document is a true and correct copy of an electronic document?

Yes. Chapter 240 of the NRS was amended by AB325 to include the following.

Upon compliance with the requirements of NRS 240.199, the following certificate is sufficient for certifying that a paper document is a true and correct copy of an electronic document:

State of Nevada

County of ..............................

I certify that this is a true and correct copy of an electronic document printed by me or under my supervision. I further certify that, at the time of printing, no security features present on the electronic document indicated any changes or errors in an electronic signature or other information in the electronic document since its creation or execution.

Dated ......................................

(Seal, if any) (Signature of notarial officer)

Is it legal to certify a copy of a birth, death, or marriage certificate, or a decree of divorce, as being true and correct? No. Pursuant to NRS 440.175(2):

2. No person may prepare or issue any document which purports to be an original, certified copy, certified abstract or official copy of:

(a) A certificate of birth, death or fetal death, except as authorized in this chapter or by the Board.

(b) A certificate of marriage, except a county clerk, county recorder or a person so required pursuant to NRS 122.120.

(c) A decree of divorce or annulment of marriage, except a county clerk or the judge of a court of record.


Does the law require that I photocopy the document after it's notarized for my file? No, the law does not require it. Because of copyright laws, we don't recommend that you do this.

What is the difference between a jurat and an acknowledgment? Are they interchangeable? No, the terms are not interchangeable. A "Jurat" is that part of a affidavit in which you, the notary, state that it was sworn to before you. "Acknowledgment" means a declaration by a person that he or she executed an instrument for the purposes stated therein and, if the instrument is executed in a representative capacity, that he or she signed the instrument with proper authority and executed it as the act of the person of entity represented and identified therein.

May I notarize my own signature? No.

May I notarize for a relative? You cannot notarize for your spouse or anyone to whom you are related by blood. The law addresses this complicated question in detail. Please see NRS 240.065 for specifics.

What is meant by the term "executed" in NRS 240.065 and to whom does it apply? "Executed" means signed and refers to the notary.

I am a loan officer and a commissioned Notary. May I notarize loan documents I create? Pursuant to NRS 240.065(1)(b), "a notary public cannot perform any act where he/she will receive directly from the transaction relating to the instrument any commission, fee, advantage, right, title, interest, property or other consideration in excess of the authorized fees."

I am a registered Document Preparer and a commissioned Notary. May I notarize documents I prepare? Pursuant to NRS 240.065(1)(b), "a notary public cannot perform any act where he/she will receive directly from the transaction relating to the instrument any commission, fee, advantage, right, title, interest, property or other consideration in excess of the authorized fees."

May I notarize my own work if I am a secretary? If you type a document, you may then notarize the signature as long as all legal requirements regarding ID are met. Remember, you cannot notarize your own signature.

Must I determine if the person signing before me understands what he or she is signing? You are not obligated to make this determination. If you are not comfortable performing a notarial service, you may refuse (see NRS 240.060).

If the document does not have the printed information for a notarial act, what wording am I allowed to type in or affix, and how do I determine which notarial act is required? See "What a Notary Does" in this handbook for suggested wording and a definition of each notarial act.

On a holographic will, do the witnesses' signatures need to be notarized as well as the signer? Each state's laws regarding holographic wills are different. In Nevada, NRS 133.090(1) states that "[a] holographic will is one that is entirely written, dated and signed by the hand of the testator himself. It is subject to no other form, and may be made in or out of this state and need not be witnessed." So there are not necessarily any witnesses to a holographic will and no signatures need to be notarized in Nevada.

How is a notary's signature authenticated on a document in this country? The act of authenticating a notarial officer's signature can be done only by the Secretary of State's office. You must let the individuals appearing before you know that they are responsible for sending their notarized document to the Secretary of State's office along with the appropriate fee of $20.00. The Secretary of State prepares the authentication and will then mail it and the notarized document back to the sender.

How is a notarized document authenticated for use overseas? Most foreign countries insist that the notary's signature be authenticated and, again, this can only be accomplished through the Secretary of State's office. The act of authenticating the notarial officer's signature on documents going overseas is called an "Apostille" or "Certification." You must let the individuals appearing before you know that they are responsible for sending their notarized document to the Secretary of State's office along with the appropriate fee of $20.00. The Secretary of State prepares the authentication and will then mail it attached to the notarized document back to the sender.


After I am commissioned a notary am I required to notify the Notary Division of an address, county, signature or employment change? Yes. Per NRS 240.036 you must notify the Secretary of State within 30 days of significant contact or signature information changes and submit a fee of $10.00 and a completed Request for Amended Certificate form. Failing to submit the Request for Amended Certificate in the 30 day required time period is cause for your notarial commission to be suspended.

I have been a notary a while, can I shorten my signature on my notarizations from the signature on my submitted notary application, as I am a busy and need to save time? No, see above. If you change your signature from the signature that was submitted on your notary application in any way, you must notify the Secretary of State within 30 days and submit a fee of $10.00 and complete a Request for Amended Certificate form. Failing to submit the Request for Amended Certificate in the 30 day required time period is cause for your notarial commission to be suspended.

Can my employer deny me the right to notarize after hours? No, your appointment belongs to you, the notary, not your employer (see NRS 240.010, 240.100(4), and 240.143).

May I set aside certain hours to notarize documents for the general public and limit notarization to those hours? (Example: 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. only) This is a business decision to be made by each notary. The law does not prohibit such a practice.

Do I have to declare that I am a notary if a person off the street asks, "Where can I find a notary?" No. The notary law simply states that "a notary public may, during normal business hours, perform notarial acts in lawful transactions for a person who requests the act and tenders the appropriate fee" (see NRS 240.060).

If I leave my current job and that employer paid for my becoming a notary, am I no longer a notary? No, you are still a notary. However, be aware that the employer may cancel your bond, and you would be required to get a new one. If you are not allowed to take your stamp with you, it must be destroyed and you can purchase a new one. The stamp, journal, and Certificate of Appointment are the property of the notary (see NRS 240.143).


Do I have to post the fees? If you are going to charge, you must post the fees. If you don't charge fees, you don't have to post the fees (see NRS 240.110).

What may I charge? Current Fees as of July 1, 2021 (see NRS 240.100)

For taking an acknowledgment, for the first signature of each signer$15.00For each additional signature of each signer$7.50For administering an oath or affirmation without a signature$7.50For certifying a copy$7.50For Executing a Jurat for each signature on the affidavit$15.00

Can I charge one person and not the next? The statute doesn't require that you charge a fee. But if you charge one person and not another, other laws such as those prohibiting discrimination may be applicable. Check with an attorney.

If my employer pays for my notary appointment and equipment, who gets to keep the fees collected? The statutes state that the notary can charge a fee. The issue of who keeps the fee in this example will need to be negotiated between the notary public and their employer.

As a notary, can I make a "house call" to notarize a document? Yes, but if a travel fee is going to be assessed, pursuant to NRS 240.100(3)(d)(1)(2), full disclosure of the travel fee must be made in advance of the travel, and the fee must be agreed to by the person requesting the service. All fees collected, as well as the date and time of day of travel must be recorded in the Notary Public's journal.

Could you please explain the fees for "first signature" and "additional signature" in more detail? If a customer comes to a Notary Public with a document requesting a notarization of their signature, you, as the notary public may collect $15.00 for the act. However, if a customer has a document in which they have signed or will sign multiple times and they would like each signature notarized within the document, the Notary Public may charge up to $15.00 for the first signature and $7.50 for each additional signature within the same instrument.

This is also true for documents with more than one signer. If two individual are signing a single document, both may be charge up to $15.00 for their first signature and $7.50 for each additional signature within that same instrument.


Can another notary administer the notarial oath to swear me in--as required by NRS 240.030(1)--or must the county clerk perform this function? Another notary can administer this oath. So could the Secretary of State or a Deputy Secretary of State or another notarial officer such as a judge. Remember, the oath and bond must be filed with the county clerk of the county in which you reside.

What is the oath I administer when swearing in a notary? You may use the following oath:

State of Nevada County of _______________

I, ____________________, do solemnly swear or affirm that I will support, protect and defend the Constitution and Government of the United States, and the Constitution and Government of the State of Nevada, against all enemies, whether domestic or foreign, and that I will bear true faith, allegiance and loyalty to the same, any ordinance, resolution or law of any State notwithstanding, and that I will and faithfully perform all the duties of the office of Notary Public on which I am about to enter; (if an oath) so help me God; (if an affirmation) under the pains and penalties of perjury.


Subscribed and sworn to before me this ______________day of____________,19______ by ______(name of person making statement) ___________________________________________ Notary Public

May I be appointed in more than one county in Nevada? Your appointment authorizes you to notarize anywhere in the State, and the venue will reflect the county in which the notarial act is carried out. There is no need to be appointed in more than one county.

Must I transfer my bond and appointment if I move from one county to another? The law requires that you amend your appointment by notifying the Secretary of State within 30 days of changing your county of residence. Consult your insurance company for the requirements of your bond.

I was recently married. Do I need to change my stamp, bond, and application on file with the Secretary of State? If you change your name, you must amend your appointment by notifying the Secretary of State. You must purchase a new stamp to reflect your changed name with the same expiration date. Consult your insurance company regarding your bond.

Under what circumstances can my appointment be revoked? What are the penalties? Your notary appointment may be revoked or suspended for a period of time to be determined by the Secretary of State for misconduct, willful violation, or neglect of duty. The fines range from $200 to $2,000 and are determined according to the reason your appointment was revoked. See the statutes for specifics NRS 240.150.

How does one file a complaint about a notary? Contact the Notary Division in the Secretary of State's office.

Who is covered by my bond? The person who may incur a loss as a result of a notary's misconduct. This bond is not insurance for you and will not protect you from a lawsuit. You may want to purchase errors and omissions insurance. Consult an insurance agent for clarification.

Questions We Haven't Answered?

Please contact us:

Secretary of State Notary Division 202 North Carson Street Carson City, Nevada 89701 Phone: 775-684-5708 FAX 775-684-7141

Notary Public Handbook

Reporting A Notary Violation

Reporting a Notary Violation Notary Violation Complaint Report NRS 240.010(7) allows for any person who is aware of a violation of NRS 240.001 to 240.206, inclusive by a notary public or a person applying for appointment as a notary public may file a complaint with the Secretary of State setting forth the details of the violation that are known by the person who is filing the complaint. To report violations related to a notary or a notarial act as described in NRS 240.001 to 240.206, inclusive: Please Complete and Sign the Nevada Secretary of State Notary Violation Complaint Report Nevada Secretary of State Notary Violation Complaint Report Please include an attached copy of the Notarial Act(s), including the Notary Public's Stamp. Please send the completed form to either of the to follow locations: Notary Section's Email: Notary Section's Office: Secretary of State - Commercial Recordings Division Attn: Notary Public Section 202 North Carson Street Carson City, Nevada 89701-420

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