In my Notary Business Marketing Course, I explain to Notaries should not buy gifts for potential clients like Realtors, Escrow Officers, and Loan Officers. In some States, this can actually get you in trouble and honestly- if they aren’t going to hire you then you are just wasting valuable marketing dollars. Don’t get me wrong, buying lunch or a muffin for a scheduled meeting is one thing but making purchases for unsolicited walk-ins is a big mistake. I was guilty of this myself in the beginning but one day it dawned on me that in no other industry do you get a job by buying some cookies. You get hired as a Notary Signing Agent by being needed, liked, and being the best candidate, and of course, knowing how to market your Notary business adequately.
However, there are special times of year that are crucial to formulating new relationships and the biggest is the last quarter of the year- September, October, November, December, and January. Planning for it really should start in August! End-of-year is not only generally busier (regardless of rates) but it is also the last chance for you to make a good impression and secure new relationships for next year which generally starts out slower. So formulating any new relationship you can at the end of the year is important.If you missed our three most recent blogs (which so many of you wrote in thanking us for…thank you back!) you can read them at:
After The Pandemic: Listing Sites, Databases, and Signing Agencies
Five Free Tips To Increase Your Notary Business
Five Ways To Save On Cost As A Notary Business Owner
This month at Notary Stars, we are all about Holiday Marketing. It’s even the topic of our Free Monthly Scheduled Event, Notary Stars Unlimited. If you want to talk more about this topic with fellow Notaries then this would be a great session for you to attend.
Here are Five Holiday Marketing Tips Every Notary Should Know About
Holiday Marketing Should Be Non-Religious, Non-Specific, and Seasonal
I have a hard time not being religious in everything I do. My religious beliefs are a part of my life. And yes, work is a part of my life. But I work so that I can live my life and I have to keep work and life separate- especially when marketing my notary business. When you are prospecting for business, or even if you are sending a card to someone you know, you have to remain on neutral ground. We are living in the most culturally sensitive time to the culturally insensitive. Whether you know your client well or not you should use seasonal messages and images to ensure that you will not offend them.
I know- there may be at least one person out there who is thinking… “I don’t care if it’s offensive to say Merry Christmas.” And my response to that would be, if you aren’t worried about new business relationships- good for you. I definitely am!
Holiday Treats Should Reach Everyone In The Office- Thinking Small Goes Big
I have to give credit for this next top to Abraham Zamora, The Notary Entrepreneur, who I’ve recently started doing Podcast with. When Abraham sends out marketing materials he keeps it short, sweet, and to the point. For instance, one of my favorite mailers he did was a card with a mini Rubix Cube KeyChain that said something like “Are You Puzzled About How To Find A Great Notary?” That is brilliant!
In a similar fashion you can come up with gift ideas that are meaningful, and inexpensive, and you can distribute them to everyone in an office. Everyone can get the same thing but during the Holidays I recommend not talking too much or at all about business which leads me to my next point. Remember to keep it seasonal and nothing personal.
Be Sincere And Don’t Talk About You- They Can See Who Sent It
If I walked up to you and wished you a Happy Holiday Season and immediately started shoving my businesses down your throat you probably wouldn’t think I was very sincere, would you? When you are sending Holiday Cards or dropping off those small gifts you only need to identify who you are, your business type, and how to contact you. They know deep down why you are gifting - there is no reason to prove it to them. They do the same things with their clients too. However, I have found over the years leaving out any talk of work in my Holiday messages has gotten me the maximum return.
Holiday Cards Must Be Sent at least 7 Business Days Before The Holiday
If you are personally designing your Holiday Cards or Postcards in an editor like Canva then you will want to make sure you have time to print them, ship them to yourself, fill them out, and get them in the mail at least 7 days prior to the actual holiday. I personally suggest scheduling a “mail by date” on your calendar so that you don’t miss your opportunity.
Video greeting cards from you that are less than 30 seconds are also an excellent idea. One of my marketing students has a video greeting card that he sends on major holidays and he applies these concepts. I get a lot of cards but his cards are always short, engaging, and seasonal, and I look forward to seeing them!Consider Donating To Their Favorite Charity Or Give Options
I know, I know- it’s slow and gas prices are still too high. But, everybody loves the kids right? And, everyone loves helping someone or helping someone who helps someone else. Sorry, for the tongue twister there. Consider offering a portion (even if it’s a very small portion) of your proceeds from any signings assigned to you from a particular office to a local charity that will be made in both your and the office's name or anonymously. Make sure to get their permission to use their name if they team up with you. Maybe come up with a selection of local charities and give your clients options. Just be prepared to show proof that the donation actually was made. In fact, that could be another opportunity to contact that office again. A ‘Thank-you’ with the receipt. If you are part of a Notary Group that services the same office, see if you can get others to join.
Set a goal with this one! Here’s an example:
“I’m trying to raise $500 for Toys for Tots. I’ll be donating 20% of my signing fees from November 1st to December 16th but need your help. During this holiday season, I’d love for you to hire me and help me raise money in the local area for children in need. For every signing, you send to me ‘direct’ I am willing to make a donation of 20% of my earnings in both of our names to go toward this cause.”
PS- Donations should be tax deductible.
Make sure to check out all of our blogs and podcast at www.notarystars.com for more useful tips and subscribe to Abrahams Podcast to see us film a recap of these tips live.
Subscribe to our Youtube Channel to get a notification when the replay of the expanded conversations on this topic go out this month!
We really hope that you'll join us for Notary Stars Unlimited to talk more about this topic and that it will help you in growing your Notary Business.
The Notary Stars Team
Watch The Pod Cast That Goes Along With This Article Below: