I sometimes chuckle at the things I see when it comes to marketing a Notary Business. I mean, the past two years I've seen so many people charging $75 to $150 to help Notaries master Google My Business. One person out there claims they are a so good at Google My Business that they can retail their Google My Business course for $800 in value. Of course, that's why they had to make it 92% off on a Black Friday sale to sell it because even they know that it was total BS. I mean, come on, for $800 you could run an entire year of effective Google Ads that would pay for themselves. Anyway, I'm writing this article because I want to help you with ten tips that every Notary Business owner should consider implementing. Rome wasn't built in a day, and you won't be able to complete these in a day. But bookmark the page, print it out, and make your own checklist to complete them. #1) Make Sure You Are Listed Where You Could Actually Get Hired There are five types of listing out there that you need to be aware of: Notary Management Databases like- SigningOrder.com, Snapdocs.com, ZigSig.com Notary Directories like - NotaryStars.com, 123Notary.com, NotaryRotary.com, Hybrid Directories and Scheduling Platforms like- NotaryCafe.com Free Business Listings like- Google My Business, Yelp, and Next Door Social Media Listings like- Instagram, Twitter, Facebook Pages, and TikTok This alone is a lot of ground and you can't be afraid of what you don't know. You just need to make sure you are listed in these places and your profiles are written out well! I actually meet Notaries daily who still haven't completed 1/4th of this entire list alone. #2) Showcase what makes your Notary Business different whether you are a in a saturated market or not on your resumes, business cards, websites, and profiles. Make sure you are listing your training from Notary Stars, Notary2Pro, Laura Biewer, Judi Lawrence, Bill Soroka, Signing Agent Basics. And showcase what you learned in each course! But don't forget to also showcase your equipment such as mobile printers, mobile scanners, etc. These are important items for onlookers. Credentials are really everything in a highly competitive market and you want to flex your competitive muscles. If you still don't understand how having a mobile printer and scanner affects how many orders you may get from Signing Agencies you should take a look under the hood of SigningOrder.com and Snapdocs.com because both of them have filters to not even show orders to those who don't have mobile printing and mobile scanning capabilities. It's something that is kind of hard to fake as well because if you mark yourself having these and then aren't able to produce like you do- you'll wind up on a Notary Blacklist for sure. Check out Are You Really A Mobile Notary & if not, visit our Notary Resource Center for suggestions on equipment #3) Make sure you have a website that is actually working for you, and you understand Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Having a Website to expand your Notary Loan Signing Agent business is essential these days. Google My Business and Yelp don't get all of the traffic. Consider the Internet like a new age rolodex. Google usually shows the first three businesses nearest the consumer, then a yelp page (which many avoid) and you have the chance to knock off Yelp and all others with a great website. You can also control your pages to come up for particular search. For instance, I personally have the first page that comes up most of the time when you Google Jail Notary Phoenix and land on the first page for Hospital Notary Phoenix. Google Pages provided in Google My Business won't gain you great optimization, if any at all. They are meant to be a part of that function of Google My Business. The only people who will ever see it are the people you send there. If you already own a website but don't understand Search Engine Optimization, I highly recommend taking my A La Cart Marketing Course: THE ONLY NOTARY SEO COURSE YOU'LL EVER NEED #4) Do not limit yourself to only Loan Signing Agent work. Abraham Zamora and I, have done a great deal of Podcast about expanding your Notary work to more than just Loan Signings. If you are looking for some inspiration, please consider listening to the Podcast: THE BEAUTY OF OWNING A NOTARY BUSINESS. #5) Do not wait for business to come to you, call, email, and walk-in. When working with Signing Agencies, I give this tip often. Keep track of who is sending you the most business in your area and then go after those companies first. However, you are never going to be paid what you want if you don't walk into Title Companies and let them know you exist. I did an entire 3-part series called Direct Business which you can purchase at: THE WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, AND WHY OF DIRECT MARKETING Lots of Escrow Officers love to make personal relationships with Notaries locally and then use Signing Agencies for their Nationwide business. There's a client waiting for you today! #6) Attend the right kind of conferences that will actually get you business! One reason that I don't have a Notary Stars Conference is because you would be spending a lot of money to travel to it and money while you are there. We already charge a monthly fee and although I'm asked to have anyone anyway- they are expensive and I don't want to go through hiring vendors just to sell you things that you might not need. That's what conferences are designed for. Now I can understand a first year Notary Loan Signing Agent, or even second year, attending the National Notary Assocation Conference. However, I encourage all Notaries to spend their travel dollars for conferences on their local Escrow Assocation Conferences which are generally cheaper, closer, and can get you in touch with real Escrow Officers in your area! You can meet, shake hands, pass out swag, and business cards. And if you live in an area where it's costly (like California) see item 10! #7) Collect Reviews Like a 5th Grader Collects Pokémon Cards! You should be collecting reviews on Google, Notary Stars, Yelp, and Next Door every chance you get! We put out a great Commuitip this year on how you can turn a simple lanyard into a review magnet. We recently did a test on Google with a Notary who was getting no business. So we got her some reviews and then the phone started ringing. Oh, and haven't you ever seen the button on Google Business or Yelp that says, "sort by reviews." It's there for a reason! Checkout Notary Public ID Lanyards with a Twist #8) Learn how to properly run ads online such as Google Ads, Instagram Ads, and even TikTok. Google offers extensive training for new ads accounts. Don't get me wrong- you need to know what you are doing, or you can run up a bill. But with a little time and effort you can make a good profit off of a little investment. I also go over this in my marketing course at Notary Stars. Instagram and TikTok make it even easier. And, they are super affordable! #9) Ask your friends and family effectively to support you and do one action item for you. They say it's much easier to turn a client into a friend than a friend into a client- which is so true! That's why I started writing what I need my friends and family to post on social media for them and supplying the images. You can do this too! I also often send pages of my website to friends to ask them to review the content for spelling errors but secretly I am just having them click on the pages to get better rankings. And don't be afraid to tell them exactly who you need to connect with. For instance, there's not a person that knows me that doesn't know I'm a headhunter for Realtors, Title/Escrow Officers, Loan Officers, and certain types of Attorneys. I shamelessly make it a part of my conversations! #10) Formulate or Join a Reliable Notary Networking Group Formulating a Notary Group is so important on so many levels. For instance, you can divide up cost on important events like a conference. You can go in and share your group at a conference and split supplies or swag cost. We did a whole session on the importance of a Notary Networking Group. If you missed it, check it out here: Increase Your Notary Business by Creating Notary Teams